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Soccer is the most popular sport in the world.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with the game I would like to give a brief introduction. 2 teams of 11 players compete on a soccer field at once. They can only touch the ball with their feet, head and chest. If they use their hands, the ball is given to the other team. Only the goalie can use hands. The objective is for each team to score on the opposing team's goal.
In 2004, the president of the International Confederation of Association Football, or FIFA for short, confirmed that soccer originated from China during the Warring States Period in 476-221 B.C. However, even though they followed the no-hands rule it was still very different from the soccer we know and love today.
Soccer changed and developed over the next centuries as it traveled through different countries around the world.
Modern day soccer started in England about 200 years ago. In May 21 1904, FIFA was established in Paris. From 1930, a World Cup would be held every 4 years.
Soccer is already a sport that we need in our life. There are about 800 thousand teams that usually play in matches. There are about 40 million players that signed up. There are a 100 thousand professional players.
As I mentioned before, traditionally, soccer matches have consisted of 11 players; however, now other competitive options are available including, five on five, seven on seven, and even beach soccer.
Soccer is really a sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and ability. I have loved playing for more than half of my life and I know that if you start today you will too.【 www.riji88.com】
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